Journal Of Ecology

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Jurnal mengenai ekologi, karena kuliah saya selalu berhubungan dengan jurnal, maka saya diwajibkan untuk mencari jurnal mengenai ekologi untuk saya presentasikan individu dikelas, ini beberapa diantaranya yang sudah saya cari dari web. Semoga dapat membantu :)
  1. Fitososiologi Hutan
    Abstract: The degradation rate of forest in the recent 5 years increases rapidly, particulartly in Sulawesi. The biggest damaged comes from the human impact, which spreads to the conservation area. As a result, the areais decreased, whereas its function and its potency have not been explored. The ecological research has been conducted in Soloi forest, Suaka Margasatwa Buton Utara in May 2003. The objectives of this work are to study the condition, which belong to. 75 general and 35 families with density of trees are 277 individual (stem diameter > 10 cm ), and 1140 sampling ( 2-9,9 cm stem diameter ). The forest type is low land primary forest, which dominated by Casearia rugulosa, Diospyros pilosanthere, Cleistanthus myriantus, Canarium hirsutum, and Drypetes longifolia. In the forest structure, trees with 10-20 cm stem diameter is in the first rankwith the total number 57,02%, then followed by the trees with 20-30 cm diameter (20,22%). In general, the forest condition in research site is good, although a few areas are damaged due to illegal loging.
    click here for download :)

  2. Kehutanan
    Abstract: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki hubungan antara faktor aksesibilitas dengan penebangan liar
    dengan menggunakan data optikal penginderaan jauh dan SIG (Sistem Informasi Geografis). Dua set
    data dari Landsat-7 ETM+ pengambilan 16 Agustus 2002 dan 31 Mei 2003 digunakan dalam penelitian
    ini. Subpixel Classifier digunakan untuk memperoleh peta yang menunjukkan titik-titik baru
    penebangan, yaitu areal penebangan liar. Dua faktor dianalisa untuk mengetahui hubungannya dengan
    penebangan liar; jarak dari jalan dan jarak dari jalan masuk utama. Peta dibuat dengan menampilkan
    kelas-kelas dari dua faktor tersebut. Kedua peta tersebut ditampalkan secara terpisah dengan peta
    penebangan liar tahun 2002 dan 2003. Hubungan antara masing-masing faktor dan persentase
    penebangan liar dianalisa dengan menggunakan korelasi Spearman. Hasil dari pertampalan tersebut
    menunjukkan hubungan antara keduanya pada dua tahun tersebut. Penebangan liar lebih banyak
    ditemukan pada jarak yang lebih dekat dari jalan dan jalan masuk. Dengan demikian, dapat
    disimpulkan adanya hubungan antara jarak dari jalan dan jalan masuk dengan penebangan liar.
    Kata kunci: penginderaan jauh, SIG, penebangan liar, faktor aksesibilitas.
    click here for download :)

  3. Kondisi Ekologi dan Pemanfaatan Mangrove
    Abstract: This study aims to determine the ecological condition of mangrove forests, and the use/utilization of mangrove forests. The method used is method of survey and interview cruising. Ecological data retrieval is done by making transects kuadrant shaped by the size of 25x25 cm by 3 pieces lengthwise parallel to the coastline of South Tarohan Village. Respondents to the data carried by a purposive sampling interview respondents who have been determined. The results showed that the highest density is owned by Sonneratia alba and the highest frequency is owned by species Sonneratia Alba its index value is also important because it is owned by Sonneratia Alba. Sonneratia Alba is a type of mangrove, Sonneratia which have a dominant role in the mangrove forest ecosystem. Environmental conditions of coastal waters of South Tarohan village has a good environment and support the survival of mangrove forests and biota in the vicinity. South Tarohan Villagers were already aware of and understand the benefits of mangrove forests, it can not guarantee the preservation of mangrove forests because most people still use mangrove wood for household needs for fuel wood.
    click here for download :)

Selasa, 25 Maret 2014

Journal Of Ecology

Jurnal mengenai ekologi, karena kuliah saya selalu berhubungan dengan jurnal, maka saya diwajibkan untuk mencari jurnal mengenai ekologi untuk saya presentasikan individu dikelas, ini beberapa diantaranya yang sudah saya cari dari web. Semoga dapat membantu :)
  1. Fitososiologi Hutan
    Abstract: The degradation rate of forest in the recent 5 years increases rapidly, particulartly in Sulawesi. The biggest damaged comes from the human impact, which spreads to the conservation area. As a result, the areais decreased, whereas its function and its potency have not been explored. The ecological research has been conducted in Soloi forest, Suaka Margasatwa Buton Utara in May 2003. The objectives of this work are to study the condition, which belong to. 75 general and 35 families with density of trees are 277 individual (stem diameter > 10 cm ), and 1140 sampling ( 2-9,9 cm stem diameter ). The forest type is low land primary forest, which dominated by Casearia rugulosa, Diospyros pilosanthere, Cleistanthus myriantus, Canarium hirsutum, and Drypetes longifolia. In the forest structure, trees with 10-20 cm stem diameter is in the first rankwith the total number 57,02%, then followed by the trees with 20-30 cm diameter (20,22%). In general, the forest condition in research site is good, although a few areas are damaged due to illegal loging.
    click here for download :)

  2. Kehutanan
    Abstract: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki hubungan antara faktor aksesibilitas dengan penebangan liar
    dengan menggunakan data optikal penginderaan jauh dan SIG (Sistem Informasi Geografis). Dua set
    data dari Landsat-7 ETM+ pengambilan 16 Agustus 2002 dan 31 Mei 2003 digunakan dalam penelitian
    ini. Subpixel Classifier digunakan untuk memperoleh peta yang menunjukkan titik-titik baru
    penebangan, yaitu areal penebangan liar. Dua faktor dianalisa untuk mengetahui hubungannya dengan
    penebangan liar; jarak dari jalan dan jarak dari jalan masuk utama. Peta dibuat dengan menampilkan
    kelas-kelas dari dua faktor tersebut. Kedua peta tersebut ditampalkan secara terpisah dengan peta
    penebangan liar tahun 2002 dan 2003. Hubungan antara masing-masing faktor dan persentase
    penebangan liar dianalisa dengan menggunakan korelasi Spearman. Hasil dari pertampalan tersebut
    menunjukkan hubungan antara keduanya pada dua tahun tersebut. Penebangan liar lebih banyak
    ditemukan pada jarak yang lebih dekat dari jalan dan jalan masuk. Dengan demikian, dapat
    disimpulkan adanya hubungan antara jarak dari jalan dan jalan masuk dengan penebangan liar.
    Kata kunci: penginderaan jauh, SIG, penebangan liar, faktor aksesibilitas.
    click here for download :)

  3. Kondisi Ekologi dan Pemanfaatan Mangrove
    Abstract: This study aims to determine the ecological condition of mangrove forests, and the use/utilization of mangrove forests. The method used is method of survey and interview cruising. Ecological data retrieval is done by making transects kuadrant shaped by the size of 25x25 cm by 3 pieces lengthwise parallel to the coastline of South Tarohan Village. Respondents to the data carried by a purposive sampling interview respondents who have been determined. The results showed that the highest density is owned by Sonneratia alba and the highest frequency is owned by species Sonneratia Alba its index value is also important because it is owned by Sonneratia Alba. Sonneratia Alba is a type of mangrove, Sonneratia which have a dominant role in the mangrove forest ecosystem. Environmental conditions of coastal waters of South Tarohan village has a good environment and support the survival of mangrove forests and biota in the vicinity. South Tarohan Villagers were already aware of and understand the benefits of mangrove forests, it can not guarantee the preservation of mangrove forests because most people still use mangrove wood for household needs for fuel wood.
    click here for download :)

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